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Gluten Free Barcelona: A Complete Guide

I don’t think I quite realized it until re-compiling this guide, but Barcelona is a top tier gluten free city. We’re talking top five in the world, if not top three. There are SO MANY gluten free bakeries to choose from, that even after two full weeks of running around Barcelona (over two trips) trying to hit them all, we still didn’t make it to all of them.

Now, are you going to find many tapas places with gluten free options free of the risk of cross-contact with gluten? Probably not. But that’s kind of the nature of traveling gluten free. Fear not – there are some really good options waiting for you in Barcelona.

As we were going through and updating this guide based on a recent trip in 2024, we were flabbergasted at the sheer number of gluten free restaurants we’ve discovered (and made it to ourselves) in Barcelona. Mostly because it took forever to make updates to this guide, and it means that this guide is LONG.

However, having too many gluten free restaurants and bakeries to choose from is a problem we Celiacs rarely have, and we welcome it.

In this guide to eating gluten free in Barcelona, we’ll go through our picks for the best gluten free restaurants, bakeries, and more. 

As an added bonus, many of the places featured in this guide are dedicated gluten free, which makes them safer for Celiacs (like Matt), AND we’ve personally eaten at almost every single place on this list. 

Our intention here is that, by the end of this guide, you’ll have a list of potential safe gluten free restaurants and bakeries in Barcelona to hit during your time exploring the city. 

Sound good to you? Let’s get into it. 

2024 Update: We made some BIG changes to this guide based on Matt’s latest trip to Barcelona in the spring of 2024, when he spent a week solo in Barcelona to revisit the gluten free scene and make updates to our guides. Between visits, the gluten free scene EXPLODED, and there are more great gluten free options than ever in Barcelona!

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

Tips for Eating Gluten Free in Barcelona

After two separate tips of a week each spent eating our way through Barcelona (gluten free, of course), we have a few things that we think you should know before arriving.

One thing we noticed on this last trip is that a bunch of our favorite gluten free restaurants in other Spanish cities – namely Madrid (make sure to read our guide to eating gluten free in Madrid if you’re heading there!) – have begun to expand into Barcelona, and vice versa.  

Spain is among the easiest countries to travel gluten free thanks to good labeling laws and active local Celiac associations who arm restaurants with the knowledge they need to serve safe gluten free meals.

As you can probably imagine, there are still a few things to watch out for. 

Gluten free beer is actually gluten-reduced. Or gluten removed, depending on the wording you’re used to at home if you’re from the US and Canada.

For some odd reason, despite being ahead of the US and Canada in labeling in a lot of regards (no “gluten free” oats, barley and rye need to be bolded in the ingredient statement, etc), in the EU, it is legal to call a beer brewed with barley gluten free.

In the EU, every last gluten free beer I came across was gluten-reduced. You can imagine my frustration when I sat down at dinner in Florence, saw gluten free beer on the menu, and spent 6 Euros on it only to find out that malted barley was the first ingredient. Infuriating.

Celiacs shouldn’t drink gluten-reduced beer. See here for why. Or here

The Celiac Association is your friend. Also similar to Italy, there’s a very useful resource for Celiacs in Barcelona.

The Associació de Celíacs de Catalunya works with restaurants in Catalonia to ensure that they have processes in place that allow them to serve Celiacs a safe gluten free meal, and they have a map of accredited restaurants online (and a useful app, too!). 

Look for this symbol on the window of restaurants you’re considering. 

Tapas restaurants have small kitchens. Watch out for cross-contact.

Even if they pull out an allergen menu that says the tortilla is gluten free, that does not mean it’s prepared in a way that is safe for Celiacs.

This is especially true with fried food, which is often prepared in a contaminated fryer (except for a few places, this was the case at almost every place where I asked).

Lucky for you, the restaurants accredited by the associations above know this, and are knowledgeable about minimizing cross-contact. 

If you feel good about your Spanish, you can ask them to make your food in a separate area and do some extra cleaning, but it’s going to be risky.

Or, you can invest $9 in a gluten free restaurant card from Jodi over at Legal Nomads as a way to bridge the potential communication gap.

I personally brought this card in multiple languages on our three month European adventure, and highly recommend them as a tool to make gluten free travel less stressful. 

Our recommendation for tapas would be to stick to either 100% gluten free places, or places that are certified by the Celiac Association of Barcelona. 

Some chains have multiple locations, but only some are dedicated gluten free. This is a trend I’ve noticed in Spain (and not really anywhere else), and I’m here for it. 

I did my best to clearly note this in the individual section for each restaurant, but it’s good to mention this again because it’s something we haven’t encountered all that often before.

A lot of people in Barcelona, especially in restaurants, speak at least a little bit of English.

But if you don’t speak Spanish and you’re worried about communicating your needs around dining out, Jodi from Legal Nomads has a solution for you that will make eating gluten free in Spain significantly easier.

There are a bunch of free translation cards available out there, but the biggest problem is that exactly zero of them mention cross-contact AT ALL. Which is kind of a problem, given that cross-contact is like 90% of the battle when you’re traveling with Celiac Disease. 

She has a gluten free restaurant card in Spanish that is specifically designed for gluten free travel in Spain.

It clearly communicates our needs as Celiacs, including cross-contact and specific hidden sources of gluten found in Spain.

It will cost you $9, which is nothing in the grand scheme of your trip, and it will save you tons of stress and anxiety and help you get safe gluten free food in Spain regardless of how much Spanish you speak.

An important note: We’re using the term Celiac-friendly to describe restaurants that have gluten free options AND processes in place to minimize cross-contact with gluten. The reason we don’t use “Celiac-safe” is that, in these scenarios, the “safeness” largely depends on your communication with the staff at the time of ordering (which we’ll try to help you with in our write ups!). We’re reluctant to use the word “safe” when so much depends on external factors, like who’s working in the kitchen and what you communicate when you order. 

Our Favorite Gluten Free Restaurants and Bakeries in Barcelona

Now, onto the specific gluten free restaurants and gluten free bakeries we’d recommend in Barcelona.

We haven’t quite gotten to every single place on this list (anywhere we haven’t personally eaten at is in the “other places” section), though we made it to all but a couple over the course of our couple of weeks in the Catalonian capital over the past few years. 

Putting my cards on the table here, I think that if you have Celiac Disease and are visiting Barcelona, you should focus on eating at either places that are dedicated gluten free (there are plenty!), OR places that are accredited by the Associació de Celíacs de Catalunya.

Seriously, check out their interactive map of Barcelona!

Over the years, we’ve realized that it’s important to us to prioritize supporting the businesses that support the Celiac community.

And that means doing our best to make it to every single dedicated gluten free restaurant and bakery in a city to include it in our guides. In this case, Matt did it (with a few exceptions)! 

Generally speaking, I’m not someone who is going to wait until I show up to a restaurant to spring my questions on them and expect them to be able to serve me UNLESS it’s a place that gets great reviews from other people in the gluten free community. 

I use a combination of Google Maps, Instagram, and Find Me Gluten Free to find restaurants that have been recommended by other Celiacs, and I go from there. 

A couple of rules for me: I don’t do pizza places or bakeries that are mixed, because I have recently gotten into baking bread and making pizza at home and flour ends up EVERYWHERE.

It must be impossible to keep them separate in a normal kitchen unless you have a completely separate prep area and oven, which most places just don’t have. 

It’s worth repeating – your experience may be different than mine

So much of being able to get safe gluten free food when traveling hinges on your ability to communicate your needs to servers and other waitstaff – whether it’s asking if the plantains are fried in the same fryer as tequeños, or asking if the gluten free bread is toasted in the same toaster as regular bread.

This is especially true in places that are not dedicated gluten free, where the risk of cross-contact is higher. 

You will need to be able to communicate those things in Spanish. We, luckily, are able to cobble together enough Spanish to get by, but I still invested in a gluten free restaurant card in Spanish just in case my fifth grade Spanish wasn’t enough.

If you’re not sure about your ability to speak Spanish, I’d recommend doing the same. It’s well-worth $9 for peace of mind and reducing the food-related stress when traveling, in my opinion. 

Anyway, enough rambling – let’s get into the guide.

The places in this guide are broken up into three different categories for clarity’s sake.

  • First, we’ll go through dedicated gluten free restaurants, where the entire kitchen is gluten free and the risk of cross-contact is low.

  • Next, we’ll cover dedicated gluten free bakeries, where you can get your hands on all sorts of gluten free pastries, again with minimal risk of cross-contact.

  • Last will be restaurants that are NOT 100% gluten free, but are accredited by one (or more) of the local Celiac Associations.

At the end of the guide, we’ll include a handy map of these restaurants and bakeries so that you can visualize how it all fits together and make plans for your specific trip. 

If you’re curious what our process for discovering and vetting gluten free spots looks like, you can read our gluten free FAQ

Wondering what our favorite spots are in Barcelona? There’s a lot of places listed in this guide (good news for gluten free foodies!), but if we had limited time and had to choose, we’d make sure to eat at Grosso Napoletano Senza Glutine (great pizza), Out of China (excellent Chinese food), fish and chips at … The Fish and Chips Shop, and Jansana (our favorite gluten free bakery in Barcelona).

Dedicated Gluten Free Restaurants in Barcelona

Here are the dedicated gluten free restaurants that you’ll find in Barcelona. 

There are a few – Messié Sin Gluten, the Fish and Chips Shop Gluten Free, Grosso Napoletano, and Flax and Kale – that have either one or two locations that are safe for Celiacs while the rest are not (and sometimes don’t even have ANY gluten free options.

For those places, I have clearly noted the address of the safe location, and it’s very important that you double check that you are at that location.

Fish and Chips Shop Gluten Free (Fish and Chips)

This is a chain with several restaurants in Barcelona, and only one of them is gluten free.

Though it is 100% gluten free, which is great because it means you can get Celiac-safe fish and chips, which is not an everyday occurrence, at least where we’re from. 

We ended up here twice, which should tell you all you need to know about our thoughts on the food. 

The first time – our first night in Barcelona when we were craving some good old fashioned fried food – we ordered the standard fish and chips, which were pretty great.

However, I think the co-MVPs of the meal would have to be the coleslaw, which was outstanding, and the mango chutney, which is the perfect dipping sauce for fries (or chips, outside of the US).

As we were eating, we noticed them bringing out a fried fish burger to the people sitting behind us, and we turned to each other and said “that looks good!” But we were too full already, so we decided a return trip was in order. 

So a few nights later, we ended up returning specifically for the burger, which lived up to expectations. It comes with the slaw on a gluten free bun. I was unimpressed with the calamari, but that’s because it just wasn’t as good as the burger or the fish and chips. 

They also have natural wine on the menu to wash down your fish and chips, and a couple of gluten free desserts to choose from. 

Gluten Free Location: 

Gula Sana (Cafe / Bakery for Brunch)

Gula Sana is very much a breakfast / brunch spot with a brunch-y menu with things like eggs benedicts and toasts, and they are also a 100% gluten free bakery with lots of cake and pastry options. 

Everything is gluten free, so you can order the benedicts, the toasts, the pancakes, and anything else your heart desires without having to worry about cross-contact. 

We highly recommend the brie toast – which comes with a delicious red pepper jelly – and the carrot cake, which was the best thing we ate at Gula Sana. 

They have a wide range of gluten free baked goods and desserts (or, in our case, breakfast items) like cookies, savory empanadas, tarts, and cakes (we were having trouble choosing between the carrot cake and double chocolate cake). 

One note: Some of the staff doesn’t speak English, and I had stupidly forgotten the word for piece, leaving me stumbling over my (broken) Spanish words trying to communicate that I only wanted a slice.

When I went for the tried-and-true “habla Ingles?” the server simply said “no.” Which is 100% my fault – and I eventually got the message across – but it is something you should know if you don’t speak Spanish.  

Grosso Napoletano Senza Glutine (Great Pizza)

Interestingly enough, on both of my last two trips to Spain, I had come straight from Italy before landing in Spain, and was a little pizza-d out (if you can believe it). 

However, I want to make it super duper clear that this pizza is somewhere near the top of my “best gluten free pizza” list in the world, which includes extensive (we’re talking multiple month-long trips) travel in Italy, which is a great country for eating gluten free (read about it in our guide to gluten free Italy!). 

Grosso Napoletano has a couple of locations in Barcelona, and two of them are ENTIRELY gluten free (they’re called “Grosso Napoletano Senza Glutine”).

There are no gluten-filled pizzas prepared in the kitchen, or cooked in the wood-fired pizza oven.

It’s traditional Neapolitan-style pizza straight out of Naples. It took them four years, but now you are able to experience their pizzas even if you have Celiac Disease. 

This pizza is up there with the best gluten free pizzas we had in Italy. In fact, I’d say it would be in the top two or three if Barcelona was an Italian city. It’s legit good.

The crust, because it’s cooked in that wood-fired oven, is nice and crispy and bubbly. The toppings – which are a little skimpy in Italy – were loaded on without the crust becoming watery and soggy. 

We decided we had to try the calzone and the pizza, since calzone isn’t something we had seen much in Italy (at least offered gluten free). Both were really, really good.

The calzone was stuffed with spicy salami and ricotta cheese, and had a slightly different texture than the pizza crust – a little thicker and fluffier. 

They have two locations in Barcelona that are exclusively gluten free – you can see the current list of gluten free locations here

They also have some other locations in Spain – Madrid, Bilbao, and Sevilla – if you happen to be hitting those other places. 

Messié Sin Gluten (Thin Crust Pizza)

We arrived in Barcelona from Italy after gorging ourselves on gluten free pizza and pasta for over a month, so we weren’t in a hurry to get to Messié Sin Gluten, which is a group of three restaurants, two of which are 100% gluten free and safe for Celiacs (see the addresses below). 

On our last night staying in Gràcia, our favorite place to stay in Barcelona, we decided to mosey on over to Messié Sin Gluten and see how their pizza measured up to the ones we had in Italy. 

Here’s the main takeaway: the crust is more similar to the crusts we’ve had in the United States, which tend to be more thin and crispy, than it was to the ones we had in Italy, which tended to be more thick and bubbly (for lack of a better word).

That’s not necessarily a bad thing at all, just a slightly different style.

The thing that stood out, however, was the toppings, which were phenomenal and plentiful. In Italy, we found that the toppings were almost universally a little bit sparse.

Not so here! We had a Halloween pizza with a pumpkin base and mushrooms, and it was topped with a ton of mushrooms! 

Overall, we were pleasantly surprised, and would definitely recommend it. Don’t drink the beer, though, even if it’s labeled gluten free (see the section above on why I say that). 

Gluten Free Locations:

Aruku (Japanese)

Between Aruku here in Barcelona and Okashi Sanda in Madrid, never have I ever seen so many dedicated gluten free Japanese places that weren’t exclusively sushi than I did in Spain!

While Aruku does have sushi on their menu, they also have okonomiyaki, which is probably my favorite single dish in Japanese cuisine. It’s essentially a cabbage pancake, and it usually contains gluten (in the form of flour).

I ate here twice on my latest trip, mostly because I wanted to try more things on the menu. For me, the highlight was the okonomiyaki, but the sushi and yakisoba I tried on my return trip were also pretty good.

They have two locations in Barcelona – one near the Sagrada Familia, and one in the heart of Gràcia – and offer something a little different than most gluten free restaurants you’ll find in Spain, or elsewhere around the world (outside of Japan, ostensibly).  

Dosa Nova (Indian Dosa) 

This was one of those discoveries that only happened because I walked by and saw the words “gluten free” on their sign, and decided to check it out.

I’m a big fan of dosa – a thin flatbread from India that gets folded over kind of like a galette from France – so after a bit of research I made sure to make a trip back here for lunch on one of my last days in Spain. 

Dosa Nova is in El Raval, just a few blocks off of La Rambla, and while the interior is relatively small, it’s impeccably designed and has a few tables to sit and enjoy a quick meal. 

They have a bunch of different options when it comes to fillings for the dosa – including vegan options – but I would strongly recommend the classic “masala” if you’ve never had a dosa before, which is what I got and would absolutely recommend.

En Ville (Upscale Spanish)

En Ville is a little fancier than most of the other places featured in this guide, but it’s probably the best place to get more traditional Spanish food made safely gluten free in Barcelona.

It’s in El Raval, the up-and-coming hipster-y neighborhood to the west of Las Ramblas. 

They have been certified by the ACC since 2014, and the entirety of the menu is gluten free.

During our first trip, I was flabbergasted to find out that despite the fact that the whole menu was gluten free, they served regular bread (with gluten), which felt like something they should probably just change. 

Well, good news! As of my trip, that’s no longer the case!

They have a range of Spanish specialties, from tapas like croquettes, patatas bravas, and various cured meats, to main dishes like paella and duck confit. Plus, of course, a pretty large selection of gluten free desserts (you should order the crema catalana).  

I stopped by for a solo lunch on my last trip to Barcelona, and was in desperate need of nutrient-rich food that wasn’t baked goods or pizza, so I skipped many of the more rich, exciting options (like croquettes) and went with some of their lighter, more vegetable-forward options like carrot hummus and zucchini carpaccio.

Overall, a nice place to have a meal that leans into Spanish food (with a twist) and is a little nicer than most of the places on this list.  

My F*cking Restaurant (Upscale Fine-Ish Dining)

My F*cking Restaurant was pretty easily the nicest meal we had in Barcelona, and probably all of Spain and Italy.

As soon as we entered the restaurant, we were met with the friendly smile of Donny (spelling?), who sat us at a table and gave us a rundown of the menu and the concept behind the restaurant. 

By the time we walked out of the restaurant, I was in awe of Donny’s (again, is that how you spell it?) charm, charisma, and ability to connect with us over our shared love of travel.

He had dreams of visiting the West Coast of the US, and we told him that he had to go to Portland, the best gluten free city in the world.

We weren’t quite sure if this place was 100% gluten free or not, since they rotate the menu often and have had gluten-y items on the menu in the past.

However, it sounds like everything will be gluten free going forward. Still definitely ask and double check with your server when you arrive. 

The service was fantastic from the time we sat down until the time we left, which is not something you always get in Europe based on our experience. 

Anyway, you might be wondering why the restaurant has a vulgar name. To be honest, I’m not sure. 

But my hypothesis is that they like to break the rules – for example, their version of patatas bravas has a twist that breaks all the rules that you should definitely ask about –  and try new and different things. 

They have a set menu, which involves somewhere between 9 and 13 tapas to share, and you can also order a la carte. 

The menu rotates almost constantly, which means this next part where we tell you what we ate and liked so you have an idea of what to order is likely to be outdated by the time this post goes live, but oh well!

Here’s what we tried and liked the most: 

  • The burrata with pickled mushrooms and pumpkin puree was the star of the show. I could’ve eaten several plates of it if given the chance.

  • The mini corn cobs were a delight to eat thanks to the contrasting textures of the corn cobs and crust of crunchy corn pieces and the slight sweetness that came with the honey.

  • The gorgonzola risotto with pralines was also great, and different from any other risotto we had in Europe. 

I will say that this was also the most expensive meal we ate over the course of three months in Europe, and is definitely not a budget-friendly option. Is the food worth the price? It depends on your mindset. 

If you’re open to trying some somewhat off-the-wall flavor combinations (some of which are excellent, some of which are strictly fine) in a fun environment, we’d give it a try.

If that doesn’t sound like a “risk” (we say risk because of the cost) you want to take, there are PLENTY of other great gluten free options for you to explore in Barcelona. 

Flax and Kale Passage (Fusion)

What a pleasant surprise Flax and Kale was! A note at the top – only one Flax and Kale location (this one) is 100% gluten free and certified by the Celiac Association of Catalonia. 

They’re a very hip restaurant, featuring a “flexitarian” menu that, at least in our experiences in Europe, we’ve discovered tends to be secret code for “expensive, small portions, and okay food.”

But that’s not the case at Flax and Kale. At the end of any trip we take, we usually sit with a drink and talk through our favorite experiences and foods.

The Malaysian Curry from Flax and Kale ended up near the top of our list in Barcelona (and the truffle pizza wasn’t half bad either). 

The menu is eclectic, with influences coming in from every corner of the world from Malaysia to Mexico. 

This location is in El Born, and we got it to go and took it to the square in front of the Barcelona Cathedral, where you’ll find some of the best people watching in the city. Plus, some very talented street performers. 

We also tried the BBQ Pork Bao, which was good, but fell apart immediately, which was likely because we got it to go rather than dining in.  

Manioca (Brazilian Tapioca Crepes)

I only discovered this place because of the map on the Celiac Association of Catalonia’s website.

We love tapioca crepes, and when I saw the word “manioca” I went “YES!” It’s just east of Parc Ciutadella, about 15 minutes northeast of the Barceloneta area. 

Manioca is a Brazilian restaurant that is 100% gluten free and serves a wide variety of Brazilian specialties with a slight Spanish twist.

We started with the pan de queso (pao de queijo, in Brazil), which are little chewy balls of tapioca and cheese, and are one of our favorite things to eat and make at home. 

We each had a tapioca crepe – I had the jamon serrano and Alysha had the goat cheese and eggplant caponata – and both were solid, though hers was the clear winner, I think. 

Pizza Natura (Pizza, But “Healthy”)

Look, we love pizza. We’ve recently gotten into making gluten free pizza here at home (our pantry now has three 25lb bags of gluten free flours that Matt mixes to make the crust). 

However, at a certain point, you kind of just have to understand that the pizza is inherently going to be somewhat unhealthy, given the crust and cheese. 

At Pizza Natura, they’re trying to make the pizza healthy while maintaining the taste, texture, and deliciousness. And, if we’re being honest, they didn’t really hit the mark on that front.

They use a combination of flours including quinoa and millet (which I use at home too!), but the crust came out thin, soggy, and fairly “meh.” 

The one thing I will say is that they have a more progressive set of toppings than you usually see at more traditional pizza places. They also have vegan options, which is another thing you usually don’t see all that often. 

I had the truffled egg pizza – a splurge that the server recommended – and could barely taste the truffle, which only added to the disappointment. 

The takeaway here is that it’s safe for Celiacs, but there are better gluten free pizzas to be had in Madrid (at Grosso Napoletano) if you’re looking for a classic Italian pizza. Go here if you also need to eat vegan, or are looking for some less traditional, more fun topping options.  

They also have locations in Madrid (read our gluten free guide to Madrid for our picks – it’s another great gluten free city!). 

Dedicated Gluten Free Bakeries in Barcelona

You know what the best feeling in the world is? It’s walking into a dedicated gluten free bakery where you can order literally anything.

In Barcelona, you’re blessed with the fact that there are SO MANY dedicated gluten free bakeries that you will definitely not be able to make it to all of them in one trip (a good problem to have!). 

We ran all around the city to make it to as many of them as we could while we were in town over our two trips (Matt was solo on the second trip). 

To be honest, all of them are good, and have different strengths, which was a VERY pleasant surprise.

We’ll go through all of them below, but know that you really can’t go wrong and if you only have a couple of days in the city, you should decide based on which is most convenient or which fits what you’re in the mood for (e.g. pastries, bread, cakes, etc). 

Jansana (Our Favorite Bakery in Barcelona)

Jansana was a few blocks away from our apartment for the first half of our previous trip to Barcelona, and we went on our first full day in the city. It’s on the border between l’Eixample and Gràcia, just off of Passeig de Gràcia. 

If it tells you anything, I made a special trip on our last morning in Barcelona across the city to restock on their pastries, and ended up picking up a loaf of bread that we used for sandwiches over the next few days. 

Jansana opened way back in 2015, making them one of the first gluten free bakeries in Catalonia. It’s also worth noting that they have their own production facility, and strictly manage ingredients and production to make sure that everything is safe for Celiacs. 

They have a mix of sweet and savory pastries and amazing bread loaves, including sliced sandwich bread and more French-style loaves and baguette-ish loaves. 

We recommend: The Caña xocolata (you can also get it filled with cream instead), the savory croissants (we had one with ham and cheese that was delish), and the empanadas (blue cheese and walnuts – yes please!). 

Also, you should probably try a xuixo (“choo-choo,” roughly), which is a traditional Catalan pastry (from Girona!) that is fried and filled with crema catalana (though we also saw them filled with chocolate on our day trip to Girona).

This is the only place I saw a gluten free version, so get it if they have it!

You can see a list of their current offerings here

Cøliaki (Pastries + Breads)

Cøliaki was my first stop on my latest trip to Barcelona, and I stopped by on a VERY rainy morning (I flew halfway around the world to “sunny” Spain just to end up with the same weather as we had at home in Oregon).

It’s on a busy street in Sant Gervasi, a more residential neighborhood just west of Gràcia. 

It’s pretty clearly an area that caters more to locals than tourists, because the other businesses lining the street were things like nail salons and gyms, rather than shops selling knick knacks to take home as souvenirs (which I appreciated, because it’s different from other parts of central Barcelona). 

The bakery itself is great. They have a mix of sweet and savory pastries and breads, and I got a small selection of things to try, including two types of croissants (because it’s one of the easier ways to evaluate a bakery) and a savory toast (because I was hungry). 

Overall, I’d rate this as my second favorite bakery in Barcelona, but there are so many good options to choose from that it’s hard to force rank them (a good – and rare – problem to have!). 

Sana Locura (Pastries + Breads)

Sana Locura was one of our favorite gluten free bakeries during our visit to Madrid, and I only recently found out that they have a new-ish location in Barcelona as well (along with locations in other Spanish cities, including Valencia). 

I didn’t make it to their Barcelona outpost myself on my latest visit, but based on my multiple positive experiences in Madrid (including a stop on that latest Spain trip), I’d recommend it. 

Of all of the gluten free bakeries we’ve visited in Spain, they offer the best balance between pastries and bread that we’ve found (usually, a bakery is good at one or the other).

We’d put it on par with Jansana here in Barcelona, but the location of Jansana is MUCH more convenient, and we’d give their pastries the slight edge. 

CHOK (Sweet Treats – One Location Only)

A note up front: only one of their locations is gluten free! It’s a dedicated kitchen, and it’s certified by the Celiac Association of Catalonia.

They make a couple of things – towering cakes, cookies, and the highlight, kronuts. Which are basically a big donut covered in either vanilla or chocolate icing, and then topped with a variety of toppings.

They’re gorgeous, and we’d recommend trying one chocolate and one vanilla with some sort of fruity topping (they had a passionfruit kronut when we were there!).

We also snagged a red velvet cake cookie, which was also fantastic.

Gluten Free Location:

Cèlia (Pastries + Breads)

Until recently, Cèlia was probably too far for about 95% of people who have just a few days in Barcelona to make it to. But recently they opened a shop a few blocks northeast of La Sagrada Familia, which makes visiting significantly easier!

They’re a bakery, a pastry shop, and a cake shop all in one. We got a couple of pastries – one sweet, one savory – and a baguette-adjacent loaf of bread for later.

The pastries had the best texture out of any pastry we had in Barcelona – light, fluffy, and flaky – and the bread was a nice treat on the train ride the next day, served with plenty of Spanish cheese. 

They’re really good about making sure that every ingredient that comes through the door of the bakery is safe for Celiacs, and are also accredited by the Celiac Association of Catalonia. 

Gluten Tag (Pastries)

Located in the charming part of Gràcia – which is basically anywhere two or three blocks east or west of Passeig de Gràcia – this small gluten free bakery has tons of options, ranging from traditional (croissants) to more adventurous (we’ll get there in a second). 

Everything is also lactose free, if that’s something you need. 

I asked the person working (in Spanish) what her favorite pastry was at the moment, and she eagerly pointed me towards a pastry filled with pumpkin jam/paste called Cabell’d’Angel, which led to a funny back and forth that eventually ended in English because I confused the word for pumpkin (calabaza) with the word for head (cabeza), and let’s just say I was VERY confused. 

Anyway, this pastry was basically a set of thick, fluffy layers filled with a sweet pumpkin jam, and it was delicious. It originated in Mallorca (a place we still need to visit), and has spread across Spain, finding different use cases in different places. 

I also got a savory stuffed pastry (with sausage) and a plain croissant to try, which served as my snacks for my day trip to Montserrat the next day.  

They also had cinnamon buns and apple tarts, but I decided three baked goods was enough for one person considering I had already eaten tons of gluten free baked goods on this trip, and I had many more in my future. 

Glutery (Empanadas)

This is another gluten free bakery right in the heart of one of the most charming parts of Gràcia, which is our favorite neighborhood in Barcelona. 

The unique part about Glutery, we think, is the fact that their offerings skew savory.

In particular, you’ll notice that the majority of their display case is filled with their signature empanadas, which feature both meat and meat-free flavors (I went with spinach mozzarella, but they have plenty of flavors to choose from). 

They also have other savory options – namely focaccia and quiche – but you should definitely try (at least) one empanada. 

Overall, a good spot to get a savory snack or lunch, which you can take over to nearby Plaça del Sol to enjoy with some good old fashioned people watching (it’s one of the best plazas in the city). 

Browneria (Brownies)

If you speak any Spanish at all, you might have a guess at what this place is. And you’d almost certainly be correct. 

It’s a brownie shop. That’s it. Except everything is gluten free, and they have a variety of fun flavors and styles (some with a flavored frosting/cream on top, some without) to choose from. 

They are in a small, narrow storefront in l’Eixample, and make for a nice sweet stop for a snack as you’re exploring the city (it’s a short walk from the Sagrada Familia or Passeig de Gràcia). 

I had two brownies – a passionfruit cream and a pistachio cream – and they were both delicious. Hard to mess up a brownie, if we’re being honest, but I do think this place elevates them beyond your typical brownie with their creative flavors and ingredients. 

Hanai Vegana (Vegan Bakery)

I ate at Hanai Vegana – a gluten free bakery that is also entirely vegan – twice, and only went back a second time to confirm what my taste buds had told me on my first visit to this gluten free bakery a few blocks outside of El Born.

This wasn’t my favorite bakery in Barcelona. It’s a convenient location, and everything is both gluten free and vegan (so if you need both of those things, you’re covered), but otherwise I’d skip it and head elsewhere.

ACC-Accredited Gluten Free Options in Barcelona

Here are three restaurants that are not 100% gluten free, but are accredited by the local Celiac Association and have procedures in place to minimize cross-contact with gluten. 

Your experience may vary, of course, because it comes down to communicating your needs to the staff and them following the protocols they have in place to prevent cross-contact.

If you’re worried about not being able to communicate, spend the $9 on a Spanish gluten free restaurant card, and you won’t have to stress about pulling up “I have Celiac Disease, is this gluten free” on Google Translate with a limited internet connection.

Out of China (Chinese Food)

This was my favorite dining experience on my last trip to Barcelona because I do not think I have ever had gluten free dumplings, and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had gluten free Chinese food. 

Out of China is almost always entirely gluten free, but the server made sure to stipulate when I asked that the menu changes, and ingredients that are hard to find gluten free also might change depending on availability.

However, when I was there (spring of 2024), everything was gluten free. 

I found the ordering experience here to be interesting – you sit down and order from a QR code at your table, and you can add items as you go. On the one hand, I like the efficiency (no need to necessarily wait for a server, which can be a long wait in Spain). 

But on the other hand, I missed the interaction with the server, especially in this case where the menu is sprawling and overwhelming and I really wanted some advice (mainly, to ask if they had any recommendations). 

I ended up with the assorted dim sum, which comes with six steamed dumplings (made with tapioca), and the star of the show was the shrimp dumpling, and it WAS NOT CLOSE. 

I also had their Kungbao (I know it as Kung Pao) chicken, which was pretty good (but I wish I had tried something else – I panicked and went with the safe option). 

The highlight – aside from the shrimp dumpling – was the dessert. Both because it was delicious, and because it led to a funny interaction with the server. 

As I was perusing the menu and overthinking my dinner order, I scrolled to the dessert section of the digital menu and was immediately captivated by their filled mochi desserts.

Specifically, their layered mochi – the sacher torte and the tiramisu, which are a combination of different fillings stacked on top of one another and wrapped in that chewy rice exterior. 

I couldn’t decide between the two mochis mentioned above and was suffering from a little bit of decision fatigue… so I ordered both. When the server brought them to me, she asked if both of them were for me, and if I’d be able to finish them. 

I got through ¾ of both of them before I had to throw in the towel (fork) and quit while I was behind. 

In any case, I highly recommend this place as a unique gluten free offering, though I’d make sure to ask when you arrive (or, ideally, before that) whether their menu is still completely gluten free, or if that has changed. 

Conesa Entrepans (Quick Sandwiches)

Conesa Entrepans was actually at the top of our list of restaurants in Barcelona, which is a little surprising considering it’s a sandwich shop in a super touristy location.

We split a couple of sandwiches and an order of the bravas and took them over to a quiet plaza nearby to enjoy in peace. 

However, despite being a tiny shop with a small kitchen, they clearly have a separate gluten free preparation area in the back corner of the kitchen, and use separate tongs and equipment to prepare the gluten free sandwiches. How did this happen? Great question. 

On their website, they have a page dedicated to their gluten free offerings. On it, the owner talks about how he noticed one day that there was one guy in the kitchen that never ate the sandwiches.

So he asked him why, and ended up deep in the rabbit hole that is navigating life with Celiac Disease. Over the course of years and years, they eventually were able to develop a product that was both safe for Celiacs, and tasted good. 

As someone who has worked for a company that made products that I could not eat, I appreciated the owner’s care and empathy. 

The most important thing to know about eating here is that your sandwich will come out with a handy gluten free sticker. It looks like this. 

As their menu warns, if it does not have this sticker on it, you should take it back and double and triple check with the staff.

The sticker is meant to prevent mistakes, so make sure your sandwich has one! Most of the menu is available gluten free, with a few exceptions (that are marked on the menu). 

We really enjoyed this place, and it makes for a nice, affordable gluten free lunch in the Gothic Quarter, perfect for a break from exploring Barcelona.

I’d recommend going outside of peak times, when it’s (slightly) less hectic and easier to communicate. Though we went at lunchtime, when it was busy, and didn’t have an issue. 

There is an upcharge for gluten free sandwiches, but I think the upcharge makes sense given the care and separate equipment they’ve invested in to prevent cross-contact with gluten in their small kitchen. 

Other Places in Barcelona with Gluten Free Options 

Think of this as a section of places that showed up in my research, but I didn’t personally eat at while I was in Barcelona for whatever reason (usually time constraints). 

Because Barcelona is a big city, there are way too many gluten free restaurants and bakeries to visit in a single trip. 

Or, in this case, even in multiple trips that span more than two weeks. 

So I’m going to use this section as a place to house other recommendations I’ve gotten (or found myself) for gluten free restaurants in Barcelona that I haven’t personally made it to yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t!

Plus, that will make it easy for me next time I’m in Barcelona, because I’ll have my “must-do” list in one place.

A Vocados (100% GF): My hackles go up when a restaurant claims to be super healthy (which is A Vocados whole schtick), mostly because it usually correlates with making tradeoffs between taste and nutritiousness. I already make plenty of taste vs dietary restriction tradeoffs on a daily basis, so I’m not particularly interested in doing that MORE often. Their menu is made up of bowls, salads, and pizzas (among other things). They have one location that is entirely gluten free (it’s this one in l’Eixample), which is nice, but I’d probably choose to eat elsewhere (clearly, because that’s exactly what I did). 

M2 Gluten Free (100% GF): We didn’t actually make it to M2 Gluten Free, but the menu is 100% gluten free and features all sorts of things from burgers, to pizza, to pan con tomate. It’s just east of Gràcia, towards the more lowkey neighborhood of Les Corts. 

Pötstot (100% GF): If you’re looking for a place to eat gluten free and vegan, Pötstot is a good option (if not the best option in the city)! The entire menu is both gluten free and vegan, and has some pretty creative takes on Spanish classics (like their paellas), along with influences from elsewhere around the world. It’s a short walk west of Passeig de Gràcia, which is a convenient location for a dinner out. 

Bloome By Sasha (100% GF): I ate breakfast at Bloome by Sasha one day on my latest trip, and it was VERY brunch-y and VERY Instagrammable. Think avocado toast with poached eggs and white walls. It was fine, but it was a little expensive for what it was. It’s dedicated gluten free, though!

Manduca & Manduca Corner (100% GF): These two restaurants are a few blocks away from each other on the northern edge of El Born (near Mercat de Santa Caterina and the Barcelona Cathedral). The original is a cute and cozy little cafe where you can sit and eat, the “Corner” is a takeaway only joint with a rotating selection of bowls. I went to both, and enjoyed them as a good on-the-go option (particularly Corner – the curry I had was legit really good). 

Thai Barcelona: Thai food is usually a good bet for gluten free food when traveling, particularly curries. In Barcelona, you’ll want to head straight to Thai Barcelona if you want a break from tapas and Catalonian cuisine. We didn’t personally make it here, but had heard and read good things, which is why it’s on this list. They are accredited by the ACC, and have a clearly marked menu that shows which dishes are naturally gluten free, and which dishes can be modified to be gluten free. Personally, I’d stick to the former – the naturally gluten free dishes – to avoid mix ups in the kitchen, but that’s my point of view and risk tolerance, which may be different from yours. 

A crispy chicken sandwich from Manduca
Brunch at Bloome by Sasha

Gluten Free Barcelona, Mapped

As promised, here is a map of all of the restaurants and bakeries listed in this guide so you can visualize where everything is. 

Where to Find Gluten Free Groceries in Barcelona

Almost every single major grocery store in Spain has some sort of gluten free section, usually in a whole separate section. The exception would be small convenience stores, which aren’t usually a great place to find gluten free bread, pasta, etc. 

Things are well-labeled, and you’ll want to look for “sin gluten” on packaged foods (in some cases in restaurants, it’ll be “sense gluten” which is the Catalan version).

In the EU (and therefore, Spain), this means that the product must have less than 20 ppm of gluten, which is similar to labeling laws in the United States and Canada (among other places). 

El Corte Inglés, Carrefour Express, and Mercadona were our favorites in Barcelona, and they have a nice selection of gluten free items in a dedicated section at most of their locations in the city (Mercadona has their gluten free items mixed in with regular items, though). 

In terms of brands, we gravitate towards Rummo Pasta (the best gluten free pasta we ate in Europe, hands down), Schar breads and crackers, and Barilla pasta sauces and pesto.

Though you’ll find all sorts of different brands – domestic and international – at most of the supermarkets listed above. 

Planning a trip to Spain? We’d love to help!

Here are our other Spain travel guides to help you plan an incredible trip (even if you have to eat gluten free!).

If there’s no link below, it means we’re still working on it – long, in-depth guides take time! We’re working on it, though, we promise.

The first place to start, if you haven’t already found them, is with our detailed itineraries. We have one shorter version for 7 days in Spain, and one longer version for two weeks in Spain (with ideas for more and less time in both guides).

Our Barcelona Guides

Our Madrid Guides

The Rest of Spain


  1. Messie in Barcelona has good gluten free pizza, however Grosso Napoletano in Barcelona is the best Gluten Free pizza. One of the best GF pizzas in the world. I’ve tried a lot.

    1. We’ve visited the one in Madrid, but just saw that they opened one in Barcelona! Agree that their pizza is pretty fantastic.

  2. I like the way you have set this out but it’s seriously out of date. At least three of these places have closed down and you’ve missed out restaurants such as A-Vocados that are exclusively GF, and many others that have extensive gluten free options (like the other Flax and kale for example).

    1. Hey Ana! Crazy timing – you were a few days away from our big update based on Matt’s 2024 trip. We’ve added a BUNCH of spots (the vast majority of which Matt has personally eaten at), and have realized that Barcelona is a top 5 gluten free city in the world. Hope you find the updates helpful!

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